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Action Script Viewer 5.21 Crack + Serial Key

Action Script Viewer Crack + Serial Key

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Download Action Script Viewer [Crack]

ASV is a SWF decompiler and resource extractor, a 32-bit Windows tool that will let you view actionscripts embedded in SWF(Flash movie) files, extract resources and browse the internals of SWF files. ASV is an advanced SWF decompiler for professional Flash developers.

ASV supports decompiling SWF files, version 8 and below, compiled by Macromedia Flash 3/ Flash 4/ Flash 5/ Flash MX / Flash MX (professional) 2004 (version 7.0, 7.0.1 or 7.2) / Flash (Professional and Basic) 8.

ASV decompiles and displays all actionscripts, shows a list of frame labels, instance names, library symbols; provides a timeline view with context sensitive preview with many options.

ASV can extract most of the resources from SWF files and displays related information. ASV has a rebuild feature that makes use of JSAPI and generates a JSFL command file for Flash MX 2004 or Flash 8 for rebuilding the FLA for the SWF.

Also some external tools for ASV are provided free of charge that add extra functionality. Please see http://www.buraks.com/asv/tools for a list of tools currently provided.

Here are some key features of "Action Script Viewer":

■ ASV is a portable application. Does not have an installer, does not write to Windows registry (and needless to add, does not connect to Internet - does not 'call mothership', as some call it), can run from a USB thumb drive.

■ Works for SWF files generated by Flash 3, 4, 5, MX, MX 2004, MX professional 2004 (Versions 7.0, 7.0.1 and 7.2) and (basic or professional) 8. (SWF files generated or modified by other applications are not officially supported).

■ Can open most obfuscated/protected SWFs. Alhough this is not an 'official' feature, ASV bypasses many obfuscations. (Broken obfuscations disappear quite quickly). For your own protected/obfuscated SWF files, we provide support case by case basis.

■ Can open and work with multiple SWF files.

■ Can open SWF files embedded in projectors and other EXE files. Also searches ZIP files, embedded ZIP files and UPX compressed EXE files. Since SWC files are in ZIP format, ASV can open SWF files in them too.

■ Decompiles and shows all the actionscripts on frames, on buttons, in movieclips. Also shows Clip Actions, Component Parameters and on(construct) blocks..

■ Supports Unicode display for SWF 6/7/8 actionscripts. Also has an option to display u escapes for unicode characters in case the current font does not support the characters.

■ Can show actionscripts as p-code (bytecode). Can show raw hex data side by side with p-code.

■ Can show actionscripts as __bytecode__ functions.

■ Provides option to present the script text colorized (2 preset coloring options available). You can also choose the font for display.

■ Can save all the actionscript text into a single text file with other info. Can save or copy individual actionscripts.

■ Can convert v3 and v4 actionscripts to v5 format. (Can show v3/v4 scripts in Flash 4 or Flash 5 format).

■ Can show AS2 actionscripts in AS2 and AS1 format.

■ Presents timeline view of the SWF with 2 colorizing options (symbol types and animation), where you can view/hide layers, select multiple frames/layers with instant preview of the selection.

■ Presents a frames view, also lists the frame contents and info about the contents like X and Y position.

■ Infromation pane provides context sensitive detail about symbols like size, fillstyle count and font code table if present.

■ With the context sensitive preview window, lets you effectively navigate in the SWF and browse. You can preview the outlines, bounding rectangles or color transforms and masks disabled, with actions, actions converted to 'stop' or without actions.

■ Presents a list of all symbols, indicates if a symbol is used on the main timeline, shows "uses" and "used by" information for all symbols. You can choose which types of symbols to list.

■ Presents a usage tree view of all the symbols in the SWF file. Symbols used by timeline and actionscript are clearly separated. You can also see a list of symbols that use a symbol.

■ Double clicking a symbol opens the symbol in a new SWF window. Movie clips opened this way can be saved as a SWF file and navigated as if it was a stand-alone SWF.

■ Can save open SWF or any part of it (the selection). Can save compressed SWFs as compressed or uncompressed.

■ Presents a list of all instance names used, their location and symbol reference with a quick search option.

■ Presents a list of all frame labels and named anchors used and their location with a quick search option.

■ Presents a list of all actionscripts and their location. Also presents a tree view of detected classes.

■ Presents a list of all special tags like protect, debugging, export tags. You can choose whether to save any of those tags.

■ Context sensitive preview window, with an option to disable/enable actionscripts, helps virtually everywhere, while viewing the timeline, frames, library, instance names, frame labels etc...

■ Can hide unmodified frames and layers making only key frames visible.

■ Presents a list of actionscript constants (defined in ConstantPool actions, pushed as string and function name/parameters), can edit the values.

■ Shows SWF movie infomation: version, width, height, frame rate, frame count, bacground color and metadata.

■ Can change the background color, frame rate and bounding rectangle (effectively the width and height).

■ Can add a ScriptLimits tag and can edit values of the newly added tag or existing ScriptLimits tags.

■ Can add/edit SWF Metadata.

■ Can add/edit Fileattributes tag (Local Playback Security).

■ Can extract all library symbols as SWF files.

■ Can extract all layers as SWF files.

■ Can extract all frames as SWF files.

■ Can extract all video symbols as FLV files.

■ Can extract all sounds (only except NellyMoser compressed sounds) as WAV/MP3. Streaming sounds are fully supported.

■ Can extract all bitmaps as JPG/PNG.

■ Can extract all font symbols as TTF. Optionally lets you merge outlines from other font symbols.

■ Can extract all extractable text to a single .TXT file as ANSI or UTF-8.

■ Can extract all scripts as separate files.

■ Can extract all class scripts as separate files to a folder structure.

■ Can batch extract from single or multiple files one or more of the following resource types: Bitmaps, Sounds, Video, Text, Font, ActionScript, SWF Data as Text and Rebuild Data.

■ Can save the open SWF file without sounds/bitmaps or actionscrips. Also can save vector symbols as outlines or grayscale.

■ Can save colors and gradients (except bitmap fills) used in a SWF file as a CLR file.

■ Can extract graphic symbols outlines as Flash MX drawing actionscript, actionscript data, .SVG file or a Flash MX 2004 custom JSFL tool.

■ Can extract font symbol glyphs as as Flash MX drawing actionscript or actionscript data.

■ Can extract a font symbol (defined by DefineFont2 tag) as a SWF with export ID, which can later be imported.

■ Can extract symbols and actionscripts by simple drag&drop


■ Demo version will only process first 5 frames of a SWF and display up to 25 lines of each actionscript. (This 5 frame limitation includes any movie clips in the first 5 frames. Only first 5 frames of a movie clip will be processed.)

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