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Active Sound Recorder for .NET Crack & Serial Number

700 KB
Windows 2003, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2K
Download Active Sound Recorder for .NET [Crack]
Audio Sound Recorder for .NET is a professional .NET component designed to help you add sound recording capabilities to Winforms applications written with Borland Developer Studio and Visual Studio.NET.
Audio Sound Recorder for .NET is designed to work directly with your sound card or with your CD/DVD player, so you can record almost any audio, including that from a microphone, a line-in jack or a CD player (CD ripping), at near-perfect quality.
Recorded sounds can be kept in memory for later use or stored on the hard disk using several formats: WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG Vorbis, AAC, MP4, AIFF, AU, W64, PAF, SVX, NIST, VOC, IRCAM, PVF, CAF, FLAC, RAW, but also using the ACM codecs installed inside the system; once a recording session has been completed, it's possible to hear recorded sound through the embedded playback system: if you need more sophisticated playback features (like changing tempo or pitch), consider using this component in conjunction with our Audio DJ Studio component.
Active Sound Recorder for .NET allows a deep analysis of the recorded sound waveform with rich visualisation capabilities like range selection, zooming and panning. Recorded sounds can be edited, resampled, mixed with other sounds and exported to different formats: the ideal solution for implementing powerful Dictation Software Applications.
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Tack för Active Sound Recorder for .NET lappElias
muito obrigado pela serialJessica
thanks for working Active Sound Recorder for .NET serialMarika
grazie mille per il serial