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Direct I/O 4.4.271 Crack Plus Serial Key

700 KB
Windows NT, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2K
Download Direct I/O [Crack]
Direct I/O is the world's first device driver for Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 which enables the direct hardware access for your existing software without any programming efforts on your side.
Direct I/O is especially useful for existing 16bit software that accesses special hardware, e.g. programmers or data acquisition boards. Even 32bit software developed by you benefits from the easy access to the hardware. You'll never have to bother with complex and expensive DDK toolkits again.
With Direct I/O you can continue to use your existing software and hardware. There is no need to update to 32bit versions any more. Keep your investments!
■ Direct I/O is a kernel mode driver together with a Virtual Device Driver (VDD).
■ Direct I/O enables access to I/O ports and memory mapped I/O for both 16bit and 32bit programs.
■ I/O access is extremely fast. There is no impact on performance caused by Direct I/O.
■ Interrupt emulation is supported for all 16bit and 32bit programs.
■ You specify the programs which are allowed to use Direct I/O. The risk of system corruption is minimal.
■ It is controlled with its own control panel.
■ It comes with a state-of-the-art installer with complete uninstall support.
■ Customization and seamless integration of the installation into your setup can easily be done by yourself.
■ Direct I/O includes comprehensive online help
■ 30-day trial
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