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Drill-Down Tally (Educational Edition) 2007 4.144 Serial Number Full Version
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Download Drill-Down Tally (Educational Edition) [Crack]
Drill-Down Tally is one of the best report writers for any kind of business. Just 3 easy steps: calculations, define groups and details THAT'S IT!
It will supercharge your Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, QuickBooks, ACT!, ODBC, csv and text data files overnight.
Gain instant control over your data now with unlimited on-demand reporting. Create reports as summarized or as detailed as you like by any employee. Create reports faster than Crystal Reports.
Start your own business, enhance your current business or gain new clients with Drill-Down Tally. This product gives you the competitive edge.
IntelliRel provides technology focused on great design yielding outstanding cost-effective results. We have developed and redesigned many databases generating immediate results for biggest homebuilder and biggest pool builder in Arizona.
As an added bonus, we can supercharge your business relationships overnight, with our exclusive ad-hoc report writer (Drill-Down Tally 2004) leaving your competition in the dust.
With Drill-Down Tally you can group by employees, salesman, categories, locations, and/or regions. Utilize your currency fields as sum total calculations and/or use id fields as count calculations.
Choose any other fields you don't group as details to support your summarized group calculations. You can have any number of group levels to drill-down on. Arrange them in any order you like.
It's all up to you. You will have summarized totals and details for every level as you drill-down on each group. You can filter for records last week, month, and year or do a five-year trend analysis on your date fields.
Filter on any or all fields you need too. Basically you have an unlimited number of report combinations right now at your fingertips without the need of a programmer. Stop the guesswork and get accurate data now.
Here are some key features of "Drill Down Tally":
■ Auto-Design. One of the best features of Drill-Down Tally is that it allows any level of user to experiment very easily by quickly changing the field settings in the Report Definition tab. As you change these settings, you immediately see your results in the Drill-Down tab. Thus, allowing you to create an unlimited number of reports from one recordset.
■ New Report Wizard. One of the newest features of Drill-Down Tally is that simply makes it easier to create a report. Our wizard will help any novice create a new report in 3 easy steps. The wizard gracefully generates a new report in blinding speeds. No training needed with this added feature.
■ Drill-Down Reporting. One of the coolest features of Drill-Down Tally is that it automatically creates a report for first group in your drill-down. The first report contains information pertaining only to your first defined group level. The second report contains information pertaining to all group levels and their details.
■ Group Calculation Groups. Another awesome feature of Drill-Down Tally is that you can create a group from your aggregate group calculations. This is a powerful addition to the Drill-Down Tally feature set. This means you can create drill-down report(s) containing information pertaining to several different revenue levels. You could put them in groups of excellent, so-so or poor based on the profit your company receives and drill-down on each of them.
■ Gateway File Setup. Create reports from ACT!, .txt (comma separated),.csv (comma separated values) text files or Microsoft Excel data. You can design reports with exported data from Google, Amazon, eBay. You can gain direct access to Microsoft Excel data via the Sheet Name or Range Name of your favorite worksheet. Or any other text file you can export data from. You can create as many reports as you want from your downloaded, exported text or Microsoft Excel data files. This is a great productivity tool for all buyers and sellers who access the world wide web or want more detailed reporting from your Microsoft Excel data.
■ Screenshot Demo. A demo was added to the help menu to help users get more familiar with the reporting capabilities of Drill-Down Tally. It includes a user controlled slide show creating a simple tabular report to designing an advanced 5 year trend analysis.
■ Tally FlexMart. Creating a Tally FlexMart is an important part of Drill-Down Tally. It allows you to wrap up a report definition and it's underlying data into a mini application. After you create the Tally FlexMart you can send the file to any other licensed owner of Drill-Down Tally. They can now create as many reports as they want from the data you send them.
■ Report on ACT!, Microsoft Excel and Access Tables/Queries
■ Report on Virtually Any Open Formatted Data Source
■ Automatically Creates Grand Totals
■ Automatically Creates Drill-Downs on All Group Levels
■ Automatically Creates Calculations on All Group Levels
■ Automatically Redesigns Report After Every Change
■ Automatically Creates a Separate 1st Group Level Report
■ Create Unlimited Amount of Reports from One Data Set
■ Create Unlimited Amount of Data Sets
■ Create Your Own Calculated Fields and Sort on Them
■ Sort Ascending/Descending on Any Non-Memo Field
■ Choose Report Fields from Data Set Pulldown List
■ Filter on Any Field from Data Set Pulldown List
■ Filter on Resulting Calculated Group Level Totals
■ AutoRun Filter when Report Opens
■ Save Report Definition for Easy Retrieval of Your Data
■ Save Report in Common .PDF Format to Store or Email
■ Export to Microsoft Excel (Pivot Table)
■ Save Tally FlexMarts for Your Clients to Report From
■ 486DX/66 MHz or higher processor (Pentium or higher recommended)
■ 12 MB RAM (32 or higher recommended)
■ 25 MB hard drive space (more may be needed to download report data)
■ VGA or higher resolution monitor
■ Mouse
■ Media type to install (CD-ROM, internet connection)
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