13 February. Thursday 2025. 08:41.

DryClean PRO Enterprise 7.1 Crack With License Key

DryClean PRO Enterprise Crack With License Key

Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2K


Download DryClean PRO Enterprise [Crack]

With more than 3500 installations, DryClean PRO is the most popular software for cleaners. Ease of use, high reliability, versatility, and time-tested industrial strength advanced features like auto-marketing and per piece item tracking makes it the choice software for the most successful cleaners in the trade.

DryClean PRO Enterprise allows you to obtain even higher profitability and become a more dependable organization for your customers.

Here are some key features of "DryClean PRO Enterprise":

· DryClean PRO's inventory control helps you track garments in any location of your store. It also eliminates racking time by using bar-coded racks which lets you place garments on any rack.

· With DCP, you can choose how and when to bill your customers. While we provide nine professionally designed formats of statements to impress your customers., You can also customize statements to suit your needs. Statements can also be emailed to your customers and payment made automatically to their credit card on file.

· Garment count and payment mistakes are commonplace in a manual system. According to IFI, "Five to ten percent of the gross dollar volume of your business can be lost in the manual writing of invoices." DryClean PRO takes various steps to minimize this. Since it prints the exact number of tags with necessary customer and garment information, garment count is kept accurate. In addition, employee accountability is increased by tracking details about the employee taking the order, accepting the payments, returning garments, and even simple lookup of a customer order.

· DCP has built-in time clock functionality. Employees can either use the computer keyboard or a bar coded card to clock-in and clock-out. The bar-coded card works with the same scanner that you use for inventory. An employee simply holds the card in front of the scanner to clock in/out.

· DryClean PRO eliminates employee theft by applying a combination of features: security restrictions, inventory control, and employee accountability. By silently monitoring every transaction and flagging discrepancies in managerial reports only, employees are not able to manipulate the system. This has proved to be very effective in controlling theft. In addition, shift reports hold employees accountable for the cash in the drawer while daily managerial reports mark cash discrepancies and inventory shrinkage.

In addition, the new DryClean PRO Enterprise includes several advanced proprietary technologies that checks theft even further.

· Our customers' surveys consistently rank "Ease of Use" as the number one reason of choosing DCP. Our copyrighted screen layouts is the result of many years of on site usability research.

· DCP provides single, easy to read screen, that shows customer information and their past history. DryClean PRO accounts for each ticket, each garment, each payment, and every issue of a customer. In addition, it can track address, birthdays, special instructions, customer account type, price tables to use, and lots of other information about a customer.

· DCPe now includes automatic customer address correction software to allow you to maximize your marketing reach. This also helps you automatically fill in customer's addresses using their name and home phone information.

· DryClean PRO can print barcoded customer cards to expedite check-ins and check-outs. These cards can also be used for marking drop bags or pickups during delivery. Customer account is quickly retrieved by computer by scanning the barcodes on these cards.

Notify Customers via Email

· DCP can automatically send email to customers:

· When their order is ready or picked up

· When new order has been placed

· Monthly or weekly invoices

· For special promotions and coupons

· When customers pick up garments for their family member with receipt DCP allows you to capture information like driver's license number, or signature as a proof of pickup. It also allows you to snap a picture of the person picking up the garments as a proof of pickup.

· When a customer is in a hurry at drop off time, you can print a "quick ticket" with a few key strokes. Later, you can detail these tickets when time permits.

· Most dry cleaners are hesitant to change their store operations to accommodate their new computer system. Not so with us. DCP is flexible enough to adjust itself to work with your store operations. One example is in using the "Lot Tag System". If you choose to use existing preprinted lot tags, DCP can still keep a tab on what lot tags are assigned to a customer order, which helps you easily locate a lost order by using just the tag numbers. This allows you to adapt changes gradually, rather than at once.

· DryClean PRO has built-in advanced delivery menu that can help you manage routes very effectively. This functionality eliminates paper-work and employee's reliance on their memory. Bar-code scanning of everything going out and then scanning undelivered orders or pickups makes tracking of your customer's orders easy and accurate. Route customers can be automatically billed and their credit cards charged on flexible billing cycles.

· While others will only provide basic functionality for supporting routes, our built-in route/delivery menu is time tested and complete. Our delivery menu allows drivers to obtain a simple to read manifest. For more information on Delivery and Route Menu click here.

· Special care items like silk, pleats, delicate fabrics, etc. requires your extra care and effort to process. It would be unfair to you, the store owner, not to charge extra for these labor intensive services. DCP makes this upcharging simple and flexible for you. Clear printing of the up-charge on a ticket lets your customer know that their garment will be receiving extra care.

· With DCP, you can prepare separate ticket for a hotel's end customer and later send a consolidated discounted bill to the hotel. The discount can be in percentage or it can be different for different items. Other commercial accounts can also be priced and billed with two different price tables.

· You can dial in from your home computer via a telephone line or internet and look at your store's data as if you were sitting in front of the store's computer (requires Windows XP Professional edition.)

· DryClean PRO tightly controls itself and the attached cash drawer against theft via restrictions on nonmanagers. These restrictions can only be changed by owners. Non-managerial employees aren't able to access certain features of the program or other Windows programs.

· DCP can create a hook to your internet website to allow your customers to view their orders status or make credit card payments via internet.

· DryClean PRO's Inventory Wizards helps you find missing garments quickly by garment history, its vicinity to other similar orders and garment types, and bar-code tracking. This tool effectively minimizes the precious time wasted when searching for garments.

· For your customers who pay weekly, biweekly, or monthly DryClean PRO prints invoices with one step. These invoices fit into windowed envelopes and contain description about the un-paid items, and past payments from the customer.

· An optional add-on to DryClean PRO allows you to import the names and addresses of everyone in your neighborhood. This makes name entry of first time customers fast. This feature also allows you to send coupons and marketing information to your neighborhood customer.

· DCP is so easy to install on your existing hardware that it shouldn't take more than an hour to setup on a standard Windows operating system. After program installation, a Setup Wizard asks you various questions about your store to optimize DryClean PRO. It can also detect most of the standard peripherals attached to your machine.

· DCP works with Prism Assembly System for fast and accurate assembly of garments. There is no need to spend on those bulky and expensive assembly conveyor systems to do the same job.

· DryClean PRO provides support for drive-thru windows using a scanner or key-pad to accelerate checkout.

· For new businesses, or an existing cleaner simply wanting to boost their business, the right coupon can prove to be very profitable. DCP helps track coupon usage and their effectiveness. It can also print coupons on tickets for increasing customer count.

· DryClean PRO lets you charge your wholesale customers a different price than regular retail customers. You can also create different types of price-lists for different wholesale customers.

· DryClean PRO uses continuous tickets and tags or paper rolls depending on which printer you choose. Unlike slip printers, you don't have to insert each ticket manually. Our standard ticket printer is a thermal printer with easy maintenance and no ink required. These rolls can be purchased directly from Dajisoft or from several other suppliers.

· DryClean PRO uses continuous tickets and tags or paper rolls depending on which printer you choose. Unlike slip printers, you don't have to insert each ticket manually. Our standard ticket printer is a thermal printer with easy maintenance and no ink required. These rolls can be purchased directly from Dajisoft or from several other suppliers.

· If you own multiple stores running DryClean PRO, you can consolidate their data at a central location for combined reports.

· You can export data from DryClean PRO into many popular software packages including, Excel, HTML, Lotus, Text, DIF, CSV, and Word.

· DCP lets you backup your data to any media. You can also schedule automatic backups any time of the day or week even while other users may be using the computer.

Network Ready· Networking enables two or more computers to "talk" to each other. DryClean PRO doesn't require any special software to be able to share data between multiple stations.

· DCP uses hardware that is generally available. No customized/proprietary components are used by our system.


· 200+ MHz Pentium processor

· 256 MB RAM

· 2 GB free hard-drive disk space

· 2 Serial / 2 parallel port

· MYSQL server

DryClean PRO Enterprise Crack With License Key DryClean PRO Enterprise Crack + Serial Number (Updated) DryClean PRO Enterprise Crack & Serial Number

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