11 December. Wednesday 2024. 15:18.

FaceFun 2006 1.0 Crack Plus Activator

FaceFun 2006 Crack Plus Activator

Windows NT, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2K


Download FaceFun 2006 [Crack]

FaceFun 2006 is a useful graphic utility that gives you the possibility to transform and warp the main features of a person's face - the eyes, nose, mouth, chin, forehead, and cheekbones.

It is a simple to use toy that can make anybody feel like a graphics wizard.

If you modify it a little you could make the face better looking! Transforming a lot will yield countless hilarious results.

The morphed image that you create becomes just another J-peg file that you can save, e-mail, or print, just like one of your regular un-morphed photos.

FaceFun 2006 detects your facial features automatically. It is very easy to use!

Here are some key features of "FaceFun 2006":

■ Transform the eyes, making them bigger or smaller

■ Transform the nose, making it bigger or smaller and longer or shorter.

■ Transform the mouth, making it bigger or smaller.


■ 500 MHz Intel or AMD processors.

■ 128 MB of RAM.


■ 5 days, 20 uses, and 5 saves

FaceFun 2006 Crack Plus Activator FaceFun 2006 Crack + License Key FaceFun 2006 Crack With Serial Number Latest 2024

Related Comments


thanks for the keygen for FaceFun 2006


Great job guys with such a nice website

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