20 January. Monday 2025. 07:45.

Icon Lock-iT XP 3.3 Crack Plus Keygen

Icon Lock-iT XP Crack Plus Keygen

Windows All


Download Icon Lock-iT XP [Crack]

Icon Lock-iT XP is a simple-to-use program which can secure the content of your files and folders, by encrypting them with a password. Thus, you can protect private information when sharing your computer with multiple users.

The app is packed in a standard interface with an intuitive layout. Files and folders can be added to the list by using either the tree view or "drag and drop" method. Encrypting multiple items at the same time is possible.

The straightforward method to perform a task is by specifying a password and by selecting the items you want to encrypt. In addition, you can set permissions for users (e.g. copy, move) as well as create self-decrypting files, in order to securely move around data stored on removable devices, such as USB flash drives.

Advanced users are free to tinker with some configuration settings. For example, Icon Lock-iT XP supports automatic file locking during the login/logout session and file bleaching (to wipe any residual evidence of the original files after locking them). In addition, you can disable removable device notifications and allow emergency password recovery to the administrator and/or normal users. File/folder unlocking is possible through a separate executable file.

The application runs on a very low quantity of CPU and system memory, so there's no risk of hogging your computer's resources. It has a good response time, includes a help file, and quickly locks files and folders. However, Icon Lock-iT XP has not been updated for a very long time; we have come across some compatibility issues with Windows 7 (the app froze every time we clicked Ok in the Settings screen). Other than that, Icon Lock-iT XP's features can be easily figured out by less experienced users, thanks to its intuitive layout.

Icon Lock-iT XP Crack Plus Keygen Icon Lock-iT XP Crack & Activation Code Icon Lock-iT XP Crack With License Key Latest 2024

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