Download Software Activators
Multi-View 2.0.1 / 1.0.0 HD Crack Plus Activator

700 KB
Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2K
Download Multi-View [Crack]
Multi-View is a simple but powerful application which allows you to view multiple video files at the same time. It supports several formats, including AVI, MPG, MP4, MOV, WMV and ASF.
The user interface of the tool is plain and simple. You can import as many videos as you want, by opening the file browser (the "drag and drop" is not supported but you can use multiple selections).
So, you can use basic media player tools, such as play, pause, stop, reverse or forward one frame, and go to the beginning or ending of the clip.
But you can also enable "AutoSync" (control all videos at the same time), automatic rewind and onscreen time display, mute audio on the current rack, view an event log, configure codec, interval and playback settings, as well as synchronize clips and go to a match point.
Furthermore, you can switch to full screen mode, take a snapshot, print an image, add a position or description to log, set fixed interval and trim in and out, view file properties, add a picture file, use hotkeys, and more.
The application uses a moderate amount of system resources, contains a well-drawn user documentation with snapshots and didn't freeze or crash during our tests. It just needs to improve its interface.
This kind of tool is ideal for when you want to compare elements in multiple video clips or if you simply want to do a checkup (as in the case of surveillance cameras). We strongly recommend Multi-View to all users.
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