11 February. Tuesday 2025. 02:41.

Portable Folder Size Crack With License Key

Portable Folder Size Crack With License Key

Windows All


Download Portable Folder Size [Crack]

This is the portable version of Folder Size, an application that you can use to analyze folders and find out their exact size, so you can better organize items on your computer.

Since installation is not required, Portable Folder Size can be stored on an external device (like a USB flash drive) which you can plug into any computer, in order to directly run its executable file. What's more important is the fact that no changes will be made to your Windows registry keys.

The interface of Portable Folder Size is plain and intuitive. Thanks to the Explorer-based layout, you can easily locate folders and drives for analysis.

In the list you can check out the name, size, percent, number of files, folders and subfolders, date of creation, modification and last access, along with attributes and owner name of the respective drive of folder.

Furthermore, you can observe a visual representation of this analysis in the form of a pie chart, bar chart or animated chart. Plus, you can export the chart image, change the unit type, customize the columns, disable logging, set the process priority, and others.

The simple-to-use software runs on a moderate-to-high amount of system resources, includes a brief tutorial with snapshots for beginners, quickly finishes a scan task and didn't freeze, crash or pop up errors during our tests. Unfortunately, some features are disabled in the unregistered version (e.g. export list, filter files and folders). Otherwise, we strongly recommend Portable Folder Size to all users.

Portable Folder Size Crack With License Key Portable Folder Size Crack + Serial Number (Updated) Portable Folder Size Crack & Serial Number

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