15 February. Saturday 2025. 14:01.

Stretch Break 6.6.1 Activation Code Full Version

Stretch Break Activation Code Full Version

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Download Stretch Break [Crack]

Stretch Break is an ergonomic software program that helps prevent Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) by gently reminding you to take periodic breaks while using your computer.

A team of health care professionals developed Stretch Break to increase circulation, relieve tension, boost your energy level, and help guard against Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs).

Once installed on your hard drive, Stretch Break gently reminds you to take periodic breaks while using your computer. You are invited to perform a series of low-impact stretches illustrated on the screen. Then Stretch Break returns you to your current Windows application.

Stretch Break is simple. With one mouse click, you begin stretching with the figure on the screen, or you can delay or cancel the stretches.

Stretch Break is flexible. You select how long to wait between stretch sessions and how many stretches per session (defaults are 30 minutes and 3 stretches). Each stretch lasts for 20 to 30 seconds, so you are back to work in one or two minutes

Surveyed Stretch Break users report reduced stress levels, greater awareness of the need to take breaks, greater awareness of ergonomic issues, and reduced stiffness and muscle ache.

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