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The Ultimate Guitar Ear Trainer 1.0 Crack + Keygen Updated

700 KB
Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2K
Download The Ultimate Guitar Ear Trainer [Crack]
Wouldn't it be nice to play the guitar by ear? To know what certain sounds feel like? To play melodies without hunting for notes? To translate solo ideas from our inner ear right to our hands?
When we sing, we don't care what our vocal chords look like. There are no patterns. We don't think about it. Rather, we know what the notes feel like in a way that's difficult to describe.
Similarly, bugle players don't think about the exact placement of their lips and tongue when playing something by ear. They just know what certain sounds feel like.
The Ultimate Guitar Ear Trainer is designed to train guitarists how to play by ear instead of by sight. UGET works by developing our relative pitch.
Having good relative pitch means that given a starting note, you could play a complete melody after hearing it just a couple of times without hunting for notes.
Just keep in mind that, just like anything else in music, some of us are going to be better at this than others.
■ MIDI-enabled sound card
■ The positions are limited to 2
■ The number of beats is limited to 4
■ The melody range and the randomization are limited
■ Nag screen every 5 minutes
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grazie mille per il serialMichele
Thank you for the crack for The Ultimate Guitar Ear Trainer