17 May. Friday 2024. 08:45.

AuroGrep 1.0 Crack + Activator (Updated)

AuroGrep Crack + Activator (Updated)

Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 10, Windows 8 64 bit, Windows 8

Download AuroGrep [Crack]

AuroGrep helps you perform searches inside multiple PDF documents at once and extract information to a text file for later use. Providing support for regular expressions, it allows you to locate a string inside the PDF content, in its annotations, outline, path or name.

Working with AuroGrep is a breeze, although having the “Find” window also embedded within the main GUI as a separate panel would probably come in handy. The application displays a list of files on your computer in tree view, allowing you to quickly browse to the desired location to find PDF documents.  The application is compatible with all the CJK languages and can successfully load multi-column PDF documents, such as magazines or newspapers. Additionally, it can handle vertical writing scripts.

When selecting a PDF document, its content is almost instantly loaded in the right-side panel. The tab-based PDF preview area enables you to open multiple documents at once and work with them all. The viewer allows you to interact with the loaded PDF files by placing bookmarks and viewing annotations. Detailed information about the loaded PDF file is available. 

But the focus of the application is to allow the extraction of information from PDF files. It allows you to perform searches across all the loaded documents using either regular expressions or simple keywords. Furthermore, you can set an entire folder as the target. The search results can be exported to a text file on your computer with just a few clicks.

AuroGrep comes with support for wild cards, enabling you to configure password match rules for encrypted documents. There are several search filtering methods available. For instance, you can configure AuroGrep to only look for the keyword in a specific page range, inside annotations, document outline and the document information area.

AuroGrep is a pretty simple utility created to allow quick cross-document searching for PDF files. With support for regular expressions and an integrated PDF viewer and bookmark editor, this piece of software serves its purpose well.

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