7 May. Tuesday 2024. 19:18.

Birthday 2.40 Crack + Activator (Updated)

Birthday Crack + Activator (Updated)

Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 10, Windows 8 64 bit, Windows 8, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7, Windows Vista 64 bit, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2K


Download Birthday [Crack]

For some people, remembering the birthdays of their loved ones comes so natural that they do not need advanced apps to notify them in advance, while for others, this is something that seems impossible.

If you fall into the latter category and you often find yourself struggling to remember the birthdays of your friends and family, then it is clear that you need an efficient way to be notified.

Birthday is a streamlined and simplistic software solution that can help you keep track of the birthdays of anyone around you, within a stripped down user interface.

The main window of Birthday seems something of the past and it features a top toolbar with small buttons for the main features and a notification panel. However outdated it may look, the main window enables you to open birthday data files (.dat), edit, save, backup and configure them.

By far the most powerful feature of Birthday is the Edit function. Within the Edit window, you can add, remove and manage birthday entries. Of course, not everything is set in stone and the app makes it possible for you to configure most of its characteristics.

For example, within the Options window, you can set the app to open once you start your computer, change the date format and the sorting properties and adjust the timer which makes the program run for an adjustable time.

The tool can also be configured to notify you of incoming birthdays from 30 to 1 days in advance and up to 10 days after they are over.

All things considered, Birthday is a simple app that displays upcoming birthdays, nothing more, nothing less. Thanks to its simplicity, it is recommended to users with little PC knowledge or plainly for people who want an unassuming and lightweight birthday manager.

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working patch. thanks


thanks for Birthday serial


working serial. thanks


the great work

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