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Desktop Icon Toy 5.0 Crack & License Key

700 KB
Windows All
Download Desktop Icon Toy [Crack]
Desktop Icon Toy is a reliable utility that allows you to change the way your icons are organized on the desktop, but also customize their look.
After installation, the application places an icon in the System Tray which gives you the power to modify its settings on the go, but also open the main interface of the app.
Basically, Desktop Icon Toy has dedicated options to change the hover effect and enable a so-called “dancing icon”, but also to switch to a different icon size and animation.
But what's the most impressive is definitely the “Layout” tool. You can thus pick from one of the built-in layouts, be they clock, heart, spiral or pentagon, and arrange the icons on the desktop according to the shape you select.
So, if you go for the clock shape for instance, Desktop Icon Toy automatically refreshes the desktop and changes the layout to show you the correct time as seconds go by.
Other than that, you can enable mouse gestures to arrange icons, set up hotkeys to align icons on the go using predefined settings, hide icons and text, change colors and backgrounds, lock the app with a password and customize the tray menu.
Desktop Icon Toy automatically saves your layout before switching to a new one, so it's pretty easy to revert settings. Plus, you can define shortcuts to jump from one layout to another on the go.
Overall, Desktop Icon Toy is more than a handy tool, it's an entertaining one. Too bad it doesn't work on Windows 7 though.
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