14 May. Tuesday 2024. 13:51.

FastSQLBackup - SQL Server Backup Manager 1.3 Crack + Keygen Download

FastSQLBackup - SQL Server Backup Manager Crack + Keygen Download

Windows 2003, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2K


Download FastSQLBackup - SQL Server Backup Manager [Crack]

Although databases are usually stored in secure servers, which are more difficult to break into and they rarely fall victim to file corruption or viruses, issues can always appear and it is recommended to be prepared. In order to achieve that, you can backup your data and store it on a separate folder on your computer, or even on another device.

FastSQLBackup - SQL Server Backup Manager is a software solution that enables you to easily handle your SQL server data, by creating regular backups and storing the files in the desired location. The application requires access to your server in order to perform the procedure, which means that you need to provide the address, database name and login credentials before saving the contents.

In addition, you can also choose the path to which to store the resulting backup file, which can be anywhere on your computer and even on a removable device, such as an USB flash drive or external hard disk. Once the document is created, you can find it inside the specified target folder, under the name of the selected database.

Although they might be vital for the well-being of your servers, you may not always have the time to perform the backups personally. Hence, in order to remain protected while you cannot reach the computer, FastSQLBackup - SQL Server Backup Manager enables you to schedule automatic backups at custom time intervals.

Once you have entered all the required data, you can save the configuration to the list, in order to easily load it the next time you start the application, without having to provide the information again. You can also view various details about the saved databases, such as serial number, backup status and the overall file size of the documents.

Despite the rather limited amount of features, FastSQLBackup - SQL Server Backup Manager allows you to easily schedule backup operations and keep track of multiple instances at the same time. In addition, the user interface is intuitive and easy-to-use, even for beginners.

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