19 May. Sunday 2024. 08:04.

Leo Backup 2.7 Build July 06, 2020 Crack & License Key

Leo Backup Crack & License Key

Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP


Download Leo Backup [Crack]

Nowadays, the Internet is not secure anymore like it used to be, which means accessing unsecured websites or running uncertified tools, may crash and harm your system. As one of the most simplest methods to save your data is to back it up on a clean external drive or upload them to secure online hosts.

If you are looking for an easy-to-use and intuitive application, then you should take Leo Backup for a test, and see if it fits your needs. The layout is modern and neatly organized, without too many visual elements to clutter it. On the left side of the panel, you can find the backup sets, summary, and a few quick commands, that are located at the top as well.

The saved folders and items are displayed on the right, along with their title, status, last run time, and overall size. To start, simply press the New button, and a wizard guides you through several simple steps. The first one is to select the files and folders that need to be backed up. Plus, you can enter predefined sets, like registry key, Outlook settings, or Mozilla Firefox.

Next, pick the destination between local, network disk, STPF or S3 Amazon servers, if you want to use incremental backup and compression modes. In addition, you may activate the encryption, by setting a custom password, and use timestamps to organize the content.

What's more, the app lets you schedule an automatic backup on specific date and time, and enable daily, weekly or custom recurrence. Before and after the process is started or finished, you have the option to run a particular program, by selecting its command path. Once everything is set, the operation usually takes little time, but may vary from a computer to another.

Taking everything into account, Leo Backup is a reliable and practical tool that comes lightweight to provide a fast and uncomplicated way to backup essential documents, executables, images, and so on. In addition, you can set a password to secure them from prying eyes.

Leo Backup Crack & License Key Leo Backup Crack + Keygen Updated Leo Backup Crack + Keygen

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