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It’s a well-known fact that you can find videos of just about anything over the web, and they are easily accessed through any web browser. However, in order to skip this step of opening a browser, YOOPLAYER comes as a neat application which makes it possible to play your favorite online videos directly on the desktop.
Setup doesn’t take a lot of time and you can fire up the application right afterwards. Needless to say that you need to be connected to the Internet for everything to work out fine. The first time you run the program a tutorial screen is brought up to teach you the basics of finding and playing videos.
The application comes with three main components. These are accessed from the tray icon where the program stays minimized when not directly used. These count as the YOOPLAYER, which is the desktop video box, the YOOBROWSER to find videos online in an instant, as well as the Video URL, which is merely a dialog box to quickly punch in a video URL of interest.
The video box sits on the desktop and on top of every other window. There isn’t an option to toggle this layer position, but you can resize and move the box to any suitable screen location. A simple click on the tray icon stops the video and minimizes the box, while another click brings it back up. The box is devoid of a title bar or any other controls to take up visual space. You can even switch to fullscreen mode.
However, before getting to use the video box, you might want to pay a visit to the YOOBROWSER to find one. You can quickly access either YouTube, Vimeo, or Viewster, each in a dedicated tab. They’re in the exact form as met through a regular browser, so you can even log into your account. Selecting a video starts playback in the video box.
There are also some settings you can manage to your advantage. The application can start with the last video or a particular link, enable balloon tooltips, lock aspect ratio, as well as the possibility to take video snapshots and have them automatically saved to a folder of interest.
Since online video services brought about new features over the years, you can also use them here. In other words, the application supports playback of playlist, and is even fitted with navigation controls.
Bottom line is that a lot of useful video content can be found online, and you might need one to play while you’re performing work, research, or simply for entertainment. YOOPLAYER neatly accomplishes this through an intuitive set of features, letting you customize the video box and play anything from popular online services like YouTube, Vimeo, and Viewster.
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